Week 6 || Data by and for the public (Data Journalism 1)
Data: the New Cotton by Chaz Arnett
“Big Data in Context: Addressing the Twin Perils of Data Absenteeism and Chauvinism in the Context of Health Disparities Research” Edmund W. J. Lee and Kasisomayajula Viswanath https://www.jmir.org/2020/1/e16377
Gray, Jonathan, and Liliana Bounegru. “Introduction.” The Data Journalism Handbook: Towards A Critical Data Practice, edited by Jonathan Gray and Liliana Bounegru, Amsterdam University Press, 2021, pp. 11–24. JSTOR, https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv1qr6smr.3. Accessed 10 Oct. 2023. [Available with your library credentials.]
- Introduction
- Chapter 1: From Coffee to Colonialism: Data Investigations Into How the Poor Feed the Rich
- Chapter 2: Repurposing Census Data to Measure Segregation in the United States
- Chapter 5: Mapping Crash Incidents to Advocate for Road Safety in the Philippines
- Chapter 7: Building Your Own Data Set: Documenting Knife Crime in the United Kingdom
- Chapter 8: Narrating a Number and Staying with the Trouble of Value
- Indigenous Data Sovereignty: Implications for Data Journalism
- Chapter 12: Reassembling Public Data in Cuba: Collaborations When Information Is Missing, Outdated, or Scarce
- Chapter 13: Making Data With Readers at La Nacion
Find an example of data journalism that you particularly like. Create a blog post, and explain what value the article provides, for whom, and for what purpose. (No more than 500 words necessary)